A Foray Into Blogging…

Ok, who hasn’t googled some random question and had a bunch of blog posts pop up? I know I have. I am a google freak. Any question I have gets googled. My husband calls me the queen of google. I digress…My thoughts this morning were, “Why can’t I have a blog that comes up in a google search to quench some thirsty web questor?” Well, why not? Et voila, I am now a blogger. True I have no followers, no facebook likes or visitors to my blog, but I have taken the first step.

I love to read. When I say that I love it, I mean I LOVE IT. I will read anything: the back of cereal boxes, those dumb advertisements that come with my daily bills, the dictionary…you get the picture. When I was younger I wanted to write a novel. I dreamed of being the next J.K. Rowling or Judy Blume (to my younger readers; she was a pioneer in teen girl novels). I soon realized that I am a total procrastinator. I would write 3 chapters, be covered in ink and in love with my characters, and then all of a sudden lose interest. I must have a dozen unfinished novels laying around in my moving boxes.

Blogging seems like it could be a way for me to jot down snippets of writing, to express myself, without having to commit to writing hundreds of pages of flowing story. Eh, maybe someday I will get around to it.

My life around here can get pretty boring. No joke. I go to school online, so when I am not procrastinating with my schoolwork, or googling some inane question, I am attempting to become a teacher. Preferably I want to teach history, although my degree is in Interdisciplinary Studies K-8 grade. I figure it will give me more options when I actually begin to teach. When I am not studying, I am taking care of my two boys. Scratch that, I am taking care of them while I study. Those boys go, go, go 24/7. Since my husband works extremely long hours, and often is gone weeks or months at a time, I get most of my conversation from my kids, or from Facebook. Sometimes I mix up the two and when my oldest, Scott, comes home from preschool with a project, I go to press the “Like” button. Yep, I admitted it. Go blogging!

So be warned that this blog may be full of mommy stories (sorry, but if you are a mom you get it), funny stories about drama on Facebook, or recaps of catty mom moments at the elementary school bus loop (there are a bunch of those). Try and meander over to my “About Me!” section (if you don’t aleady know me) to get a sort of back story. But don’t worry, like all good authors, I will make sure nobody gets lost when they read my posts 🙂

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